up too early & a sketch

I’m up early because I have a dr appt this morning. ugh!
A few people suggested I make a facebook page (as opposed to my profile). I waffled about it for a while… because I really didn’t see the need when I have a public profile anyone can friend. But I asked Chase if I should and he said “sure”… so I made one yesterday LOL. I’ll be using it for costume updates, pic of the day, etc. you can find it here!

today is an updated sketch… I’ve started putting colour down but it’s messy so I only uploaded the line work.

I’ve been thinking about costumes for the Space & Rocket thing – I’ll probably wear Amidala sat morning through the afternoon – so, most of the day, and then switch to Padme Funeral or Leia in the afternoon.
I’m tempted to take ceremonial Leia or Ewok Leia instead of regular Leia. I may wear one of those on Sunday. Still thinking about it. I’ve just worn regular Leia a lot lately and right now the thought of doing the buns makes me tired LOL.